My Two very crazy Jack Russell Terriers. When they say they are hyper that is saying it lightly!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jack's Story 05

The other night Jack rolled off the bed and got trapped at the bottom and was stick in there, it was like a hammock. She was crying. I have to say I think that was pretty funny. Poor baby!

When we took Jack for a walk she saw this rocky statue and she slowly crouched up to it then tried to attack it and barking at it. It was hilarious. We told the lady this and she said she hopes it doesn’t ruin the statue, IT’S ROCK! Some people can’t take a joke.

Rocky's Story 05

I swear Rocky is the biggest bed hog and she is just so cranky at night. She will lay stretch out right in the middle. If I get up to go to the washroom and disturb her precious beauty sleep she will growl like crazy but then she wants to snuggle after that.

Every day Rocky gets a ton of eye drops and she is so good with it. She of course gets a treat after but she is just so good. I’m glad because she gets seven eye drops a day. It would be so hard if she put up a fight.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jack's Story 04

I have to say Jack is obsessed with going for walks. She will follow us around the house and get all excited when we move thinking we are taking her for a walk. With that dog there is never a day when we can’t take her, she is so persistent.

She gets all revved up and almost to excited to put the leash on her. We put them on in the back yard and if we are not quick enough she will start biting the snow in frustration.

So this little one got so excited yesterday she started biting the snow, it was hard to get the leash on her. Then when we went for our walk she say this reindeer stature and started barking at it like crazy. She went up to it as fast as she could and realized it was fake.

Rocky's Story 04

When we took the dogs for a walk yesterday Rocky was extremely loud as usual barking at everything. They especially hate trucks for some reason, not quite sure why. But they bark at them like crazy.

We went for a long walk today and they had a blast.
Rocky was pooped after that so we went to go watch movies in bed. I lay on my side while Rocky curls up near my stomach and she gets belly rubs, she lays right on her back. If I stop she flips my hand up so you keep rubbing her, it’s quite funny.

Yesterday was a pretty busy day and when you get home they greet you like you left for a years, it feels good to have animals love you that much.

This morning I woke up and Rocky’s head was tucked right under my neck. This dog is the biggest bed hog in the world. She is not that big. But she sometimes lays on her side in the middle of the bed and if I push her over she gets down right mad and will not budge for anything.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Surfing & Kong

Rocky LOVES the water, she loves going in the pool. It’s great because when it’s hot out she can cool off but if it’s really hot they stay in the house periodically.

But she just loves surfing. She will go all around the pool going surfing.

She also has this silly little game that she plays with her kong by the pool. She does this CONSTANTLY, no relaxing floating. She will put her kong along the edge of the pool and pounce it in the water then she starts barking for us to get it.

It really is a funny little game she plays but can be annoying when you are trying to relax by the pool.

I Spy With My Little Eye

This is so funny. Our neighbor Eddie has a dog, Ogee and Jack will sit for hours peeping threw the wooden gate just watching Eddie and Ogee. I don’t know why but it’s so funny to see this little dog sitting in the garden hidden spying.

I asked Eddie if she sees Jack sitting there and she said she does and she has no clue what is so interesting. If Rocky goes back there with Jack, Jack will get so mad and try to bite Rocky. That is HER spot.

Jack's Daily Story 03

Yesterday I was at the computer when all of a sudden I get this dog RACING down like tornado barking at me and just going nuts. She wanted to go for a walk. Well we had to go because she would not let up AGAIN! That dog lives for walks. She is such a funny little bugger.

After the walk she was satisfied. Jack has her own couch, or so she thinks, so she was at least calm and had a little nap on the couch. I covered her up in a blanket, she looked really cute.

Every day after supper we save a bit for both Rocky and Jack, well Jack has this massive over bite so I had to help her scoop up what she was eating. Usually food goes all over the place. Poor little bugger!

Rocky's Daily Story 03

Rocky LOVES coffee, I know I know, it’s not exactly healthy for dogs to have but she barks and goes nuts for Tim Horton’s. So we give her a little. Every morning I go get some Tim Horton’s and she waits for me to get back. She just gets so excited.

So we had our coffee this morning and she and I were happy.

After the coffee Rocky was kind of mope because I had Chiquita (one of my Parrots) out. I don’t think she likes me paying attention to them so when they are out she kind of lumps around. So I tucked her back in bed and gave her a little snuggle and she was happy. She is still in bed now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jack's Great Escape

This was one terrifying day, it was just awful. We had some workers here working in the back yard. Well they left and when they left they left the gate open. My dad let Jack out and my mom was sitting at the computer and saw Jack roaming in front of our neighbor’s house.

I was in my apartment and I herd my dad racing and running really fast. I new something was up. So I ran upstairs and he said, “Jacks Out.” I was in my PJ’s of course. My heart sank and I thought I was going to throw up. I raced outside and she thought this was a chasing game.

Then she took off down the street and I ran after her. I was screaming my head off, “Help.” Finally this lady saw me and new I was trying to catch Jack. Jack went to her and I yelled, “Pick her Up.” She did.

I gave her the biggest hug, she had no clue what she did for me, I could not thank her enough. I kept giving her a hug. The worst thing in the world would be my dogs getting lost and not knowing where they were. They are both micro chipped. But still!

She saved my dogs life. But here I am racing around screaming "Help" in my PJ’s, they must have all thought I was insane.

Rocky's Great Escape

This was one scary day. I was taking Rocky for a walk and she pulled really hard and she got loose. I have no clue how and I don’t think I will ever know how she got loose from her collar but now I have two harnesses on her so there is no chance she can escape.

Anyway. thankfully she when near someone’s garden and I ran my fanny off and caught her right away. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I fell and scratched my leg. But I think these two monkey’s are trying to give me a heart attack.

I carried Rocky all the way back home and I thought I was going to pass out because she is one heavy dog but I was so scared I could not put her back in the collar.

I had a beer when I got back to calm myself down. I collapsed! We do need to start training them to come back when we call them.

Jacks Daily Story 02

Today Jack came down and attacked me, I call this “a Jack Attack.” She races down here, attacks me, wrestles with me, licks my face while she is all pumped up and super hyper. It really is hilarious when she does this.

Yesterday Jack was bugging me and bugging me to go for a walk while I was at the computer. She will never give up until we go. She is totally relentless so we took them both for a nice long walk.

Jack looks possessed when she goes for a walk because she loves it so much and gets so hyper her eye go all buggy, her tongue hangs out, she races back and forth like a lunatic. It’s hilarious!

Rocky's Daily Story 02

This morning Rocky is very hyper. She keeps bugging me for treats while I’m at the computer. I do think the new drops are making her feel better; she seems to be perkier which makes me feel really good. I do think she must have had a headache.

Usually this is her time to sleep, when I’m at the computer in the morning she usually goes back to bed while I let my parrots out. But she is very active this morning.

So things are looking good.

Yesterday we played kong which she has not done in a while. She just seems more cheerful which makes me happy. Things are looking up since the shock at the veterinarians

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jack's Daily Story 01

Poor old Jackster, when she thought we were going to Rocky’s eye appointment she gets all excited because we have to get the collar out for Rocky. Well she was just going nuts, poor baby, if we could just explain where we were going.

Well after that she got really mad when she realized she was not going and attacked the mirror. She does that when she gets all wound up and mad. She is one pistol of a dog that one.

When we returned she was all prancing around the house really happy to see us, almost dancing. Well we took her for a walk right away so she didn’t feel too left out. I love that little bugger; she was so excited she was biting the snow in excitement and frustration. I have to say Jack is one of a kind.

Rocky's Daily Story 01

We took Rocky’s to the eye specialist yesterday. It’s always a long and tiring drive, three hours there and three hours back. We take her to London, that is where she gets the best care, he knows his stuff and we are doing EVERYTHING possible to save that one eye, what ever it takes.

Well we went in all happy because we THOUGHT things were going well besides a few problems but it was far from it. When she is there he tests her eyes and he does an eye pressure test. The normal range should be around 20. Well hers was 50 and all of her hears dropped. We all felt sick.

So Dr. Quinn put her “regular” drops in to see if that takes the pressure down. We had to wait 30 minutes so we went to get a coffee. It did nothing. Then he put in some big guns eye drops, waited 30 minutes and the pressure dropped to 28. I was so happy I almost cried. The thought of her loosing that other eye sickens me. I know how awful it was to loose that other eye, it was a rough rough time. She pulled threw with flying colours but not us. We were all sick, stressed and just tired.

So off we went home with now three different kind of drops to put in her eye. I felt paralyzed, now I’m just plain old whipped out today. A long trip with a scare like that is tiring.

Rocky's Eye Problem

One morning we noticed Rocky had a squinted eye and we all thought she had something stuck in it, however that was far from the case. My dad just walked in the door and her eye was not squinted so he could see it and without an appointment and without hesitation we rushed her to the vets when he said she must go into the vets IMMEDIATELY.

Her pupils were fully dilated with a white glaze over them. This happened over night with her eyes getting that bad with the white film over them. I was petrified but kept it together for the sake of Rocky. Dr. Branton (our vet) sent us over to another clinic he owns because he wanted to test her eyes with this special equipment he did not have there.
So at the other place they did a lens test and the one eye was awful. She was totally blind. OVERNIGHT, can you imagine going to bed having sight and wake up blind?!

The left eye was borderline (50/50) and the right eye (bad eye) blind.
The other eye was borderline. We will have to keep drops in that eye forever so the same thing does not happen to her other eye, which I'm really scared may happen. You become resistant to medications if you use them all the time.

My vet Dr. Branton sent us to a optometrist in the States. He checked her over and said the dreaded words, "The eye has to come out," I was mortified and scared, so our veterinarian Dr. Branton did Rocky's operation since he does some a few times a year plus he operated on his dog Benny, took the eye out.

Rocky was blind in that eye anyway so it wasn't the hugest shock to her.
I have total confidence in my vet, He has done NUMEROUS operations on our animals, even three operations on my chinchillas.

I was so petrified and scared and sad, I didn't want her to spend the night there since she rules my bed. She is used to pillows, scratches, snuggles and blankets I wanted to bring her home so bad and I got my wish.

The thought of taking the eye ball right out made me nauseous. It was just a very devastating time in my life. I just felt so horrible for my baby, what a traumatic thing to go threw within a day!

After the operation when we got her home I put her in bed with me. She liked that and slept which is the best healing process.

We thought Jack (my other jack Russell) would start licking the wound or sniffing at it but she didn't which was a good thing.

So in a week we had no time to think, no preparation and some tough decisions to make in a split second decision. There was the option of a fake eye which is prone to getting infections, a glass ball with her eye lid being sown shut or just close the eye up. But as well as that it can have some complications.

I went with just closing the eye up. That way it is over and done with and I will never have to deal with infections. There is an indent where the eye was and it is sunken in but I'm used to it now.

She always looks like she is winking, it's cute.
So what happened to the eye? Well let me explain as best as I can.
On our eyes we have a covering that protects our eyes called a lens. Well that lens fell off and did some major damage to the eye because the lens was not there to protect it. So much that there was no hope saving the eye and it had to be removed. She was totally blind in that eye. So we need to keep close tabs on the other eye. Rocky was in pain with that eye, it's like having a constant migraine. That is why the eye was removed.

Rocky pulled threw with flying colors, it was us that had the problems after. We were total basket cases. Stress can really take a toll on your body and mind. Rocky gets two different kind of eye drops and she will be on this the rest of her life. But I do think the pain meds make her groggy. Plus the operation is slowing her down some but not very much.

I would do anything for that dog and pay what ever I needed to make her better. Which already is a lot but you can't put a price on love. But she is still a bundle of energy, nothing slows that dog down. I wish she would just take it easy for a bit but no, there is no stopping a Jack Russell on a mission.

I have came to the conclusion that if she does have to get the other eye taken out I will help her. I will teach her words on commands like Curb, Stairs, Food and she will be carried a lot.

I don't think it's necessary to put a dog to sleep if they are blind and both vets have said they can still be happy totally blind. I would not let her suffer just to make myself happy though and keep her around however, putting her down will not be necessary thanks heavens! That was my worst fear.

All the vets and specialists say that a blind dog can still live a fulfilling life. Just some adjustments need to be

About Jack

Jack I have to say really is one of a kind. I say this in a loving way and I would not change her for the world but she is bossy, bull headed, does not listen, does what she wants when she wants and grumbles and growls if she is not getting her way.

But in all honesty she puts up a front, she really is a snuggle bug and a softie. But she acts all rough and tough.

She charges at the mirror down the hall scaring the crap out of us all the time, she attacks it.

When we go for walks both Rocky and Jack rule the neighborhood. When people see the terrible two coming down the street they wave at us and switch sides.

Jack loves to watch TV. She will sit there and actually watch it but she also attacks the TV when she sees something she does not like.

Jack is an extremely hyper and high strung dog with loads of energy, she’s a pistol. If she hears the mail man coming she barks like crazy. If she gets frustrated she will bite the snow or something around her.

Jack had a huge overbite, poor baby. It’s hard for her to pick up food so we usually give her a helping hand. She also makes a mess because she leaves bits of food and treats but Rocky (we call her hover) comes along and picks up the left over crumbs.

She truly is one of a kind.

About Rocky

Rocky is a bit more laid back then Jack. She is not as hyper but at times she can be. She will go on a barking fit for no reason.

She’s an extreme beggar for food and treats, I swear that dog truly loves food. She actually drools for food. She will even stare at the treat dish like it’s going to come down. She will go outside, do nothing and come in because when they go do their business outside they get a treat.

Rocky’s favorite time of the day is snuggle time when we watch movies in bed. We snuggle and cuddle and it’s just a very special time for us. It’s really relaxing.

Rocky has a kong from when she was a baby and she is glued to that kong. In the summer she will hold on to it the entire time, I’m surprised she does not get lockjaw. We also have to constantly throw it. She will bark at us if we don’t, so instead of relaxing outside she will make us throw kong.

Rocky also LOVES swimming and she surfs on a molly brown. It’s a good cool down for her when it’s hot.